SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO TALK TO A HUMAN & Get Some Help With Your Business

For those times when you need to talk to a human, I’m your girl! A few times per month I offer 60 minute 1:1 calls, so grab your time, go get a coffee and let’s chat in this 1 Hour marketing & strategy call

On this call, we will discuss your business questions and create an actionable growth plan. I will give you 100% personalized and tailored marketing strategies, specific to YOUR business and where you are at today.

Hi! I'm Kerrie, the founder of a successful e-commerce business, The Dapper Dog Box, author of Customer Obsession and host of top 100 Marketing podcast, Ecommerce Society Podcast.

After mentoring SO many small business owners, some of the most common questions I am asked are:

"Can you review my website and tell me what to improve?"

"Which email platforms should I use?"

“What should I post on Instagram everyday?”

"Can you please help me to make some sales? I'm struggling with everything!"

The answers to these questions are not a one-size-fits-all! 

 This is why I thought of the ideal way to help as many people as possible, and that was by offering a one-on-one marketing call to help small online businesses with the exact challenges they’re facing, provide action points in real-time, and give those business owners the guidance and direction in online marketing which I never had.

What you get: 

* A 1-on-1, 60-minute video call with me to ask me anything you like about your business and marketing 

* Actionable tips and strategies on how to grow and scale your business

How it works:

 After ordering your 1-hour session, you'll be able to immediately select an available time and date for our call. You'll receive a quick form to complete about your business. We meet! and you walk away with your questions answered and a plan of attack

The best part: It's tax-deductible!

Meet Your Mentor

Kerrie Fitzgerald

Author, Speaker, Marketing Ninja, Website Snob, and hot sauce connoisseur, who loves binging The Office and is a total marketing nerd.


In 2016, I birthed my brainchild, The Dapper Dog Box, conceived on a sunlit day in 2016 while at the gym. What started as a mere idea swiftly evolved into a multi-six-figure sensation, boasting a legion of devoted customers utterly enamored with my brand. The ripple effect was real—I found myself featured in illustrious publications like Buzzfeed, Forbes, Business Insider, and even made it onto Mariah Carey's Christmas gift list.

Having scaled the business to nearly $500,000 in sales within a mere 2 years, I made the strategic decision to sell the business! 

Now, armed with the knowledge that it's entirely possible to cultivate a brand that's not just captivating and special but also visible and beloved—without the need for ads or endless hours on Instagram or TikTok—I'm here to share that wisdom. Let's turn your digital presence into a force to be reckoned with, just as I've done before!

PS... I also wrote a book

I am SO Into spreading the knowledge on how to create. brand your customers are obsessed with, I also wrote a book about it. It’s one of my proudest achievements in the 8+ years I've been an entrepreneur. 

I cannot wait to help you!

grab a copy of Customer Obsession Book